At Deep Wells we are passionate about community because community is the context for discipleship! Connect groups are what we call small groups. Smaller groups of people connecting mid-week for fun & fellowship.

Connect groups can, but do not have to meet in a home and can be a great space to study the bible, share meals, do community outreach and organise social activities. Jesus modelled smaller groups and at Deep Wells we believe that being in a smaller group is essential to spiritual flourishing.

Connect groups are a great way for friendships to go deeper, for pastoral care to thrive and smaller missional communities to form.

Navigating life as a teenager can be incredibly difficult. With so many confusing messages and hurdles seeking to rob young people of their God given identity we want to provide a safe space for young people to come, to be themselves and through the lenses of the gospel chat through the the ups & downs of life. We currently meet every Friday evening from 7-8.30pm.

We also love drinking hot chocolate with cream & marshmallows as well as going to the beach.

Children are such a gift from God! We love that we get to be a part of discipling and encouraging them.

At Deep Wells we love to worship as a family so the children stay in for the first part of our gathering. We currently have two groups available. "Splash" is aimed at ages 4-10, however, if children outside of those ages would like to join in, we will happily make room for them.

Activities can be made available for children who would prefer to stay in with their parents.

​All teachers and helpers are DBS checked, for more information please view our Safeguarding Page.

Wave Makers is our once a month community outreach. We are passionate about community as well as connecting with the families in the local community.

Wave Makers is a fun, family friendly event with lots of opportunities to get involved with different activities from singing & dancing, to messy craft and our favourite activity, eating snacks.

We also get to finish off with a run around Wheal Play, the soft play space at Heartlands.